York Textile Artists welcome new members every year. Submissions should be sent by 31st May. These will be viewed in June and successful applicants will be contacted by the end of June and begin their membership in July.
To make a submission send us:
1. an image and description of 6 pieces of your textile artworks, made in the last 2 years.
2. a 200 word artist statement telling us about where you live, your work and inspirations, and your experience of exhibiting.
3. Your website and social media handles.
to contact@yorktextileartists.com
If you are successful an annual fee of £35 will be requested and an invitation to join us for our July meeting will be sent to you on payment.
Please only make a submission if our core aims (see below) resonate with you and you are willing to play an active roll in attending our meetings and taking part in our events.
A Community of Textile Artists
We are a group of textile artists based in and around York. We work together to support each other in creating textile art but also as a force for change in promoting the value of Textile Arts.
Our core aims are:
To act as advocates for textile arts both locally and nationally
To display and sell our work in joint exhibitions
To support each other in developing our work
To develop networks with emerging and established groups of textile artists at national and international levels